Cody Sorrell's Compositions

Our Last Dawn

ID: SM-000194461
CompositorCody Sorrell
EditoraCody Sorrell
Ano de composição 2012
Gênero Clássico / Instrumental
chave Dó (C) maior
Instrumentação Violino, Ocarina
Composição paraDueto
Tipo de composiçãoScore for two performers
duração 1'49"
dificuldade Easy
descripção This is a flute and ocarina duet, but the ocarina can easily be substituted by a flute. It is a very easy piece, but there is no written ending. It was originally supposed to be a title screen for a song, so it would loop forever, but when I started making games it just didn't fit. Feel free to write a chord for an ending or improvise an ending.
data de postagem 16.11.2013
total de downloads 46

Sheet music file
ZIP, 165.2 Kb


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