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New Piece, and free music.

Статья 16.11.2013 00:49

I have uploaded a new piece, Our Last Dawn. It is a ocarina and violin duet, but a flute will work for the ocarina. it is very mellow, short, and repetitive, but has a soothing sound to it.

I have changed all the fees to 0 for my music, and you may now download all my pieces for free. I do not and will never require a performance fee. There is no fee anywhere to perform or get ahold of my music. The only thing I ask is that you don't upload it anywhere else, just put a link to my musicaneo site. I will not be putting many more pieces up for awhile because I am going to focus on my video game company. If anyone shows interest, I will try to upload some of the pieces that are in my games for free, but it will be uploaded on our website. When we upload some I will post a link. Also, if you are interested in any of my pieces, feel free to check out my youtube channel. https://www.youtube.com/user/TheDragoonwarrior I have all the pieces listed here uploaded except wings unchained, but that will be coming soon.


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